The ESGP is framed with the aim to promote the importance of sustainable development practices amongst the students and the community. The policy echoes its commitment to protect the environment and conserve energy. It outlines the institutions initiatives in adopting sustainable practices and contribute towards minimizing pollution and reducing carbon footprint. The policy provides a guideline for maintaining an eco- friendly campus.
Purpose of Environment Sustainability and Growth Policy
Promote care for ecology
Prepare environmentally conscious teachers
Adopt eco-friendly practices on the campus
Establish a green campus
Adopting ecologically friendly practices while planning activities
Practice effective waste management system
Promote rainwater harvesting
Implement paperless practices
Save and Conserve Energy
Steps Integrate ESGP with B.Ed.
Environmental Cell: The College through the Environmental Cell must conduct various activities which promote the knowledge and awareness about sustainable living amongst student teachers. The student teachers must be prepared to be environmental conscious teachers who care and nurture the ecological system.
Assemblies: The preservice teachers must be encouraged to conduct special assemblies related to protection of environment, waste management, pollution, conservation of water, etc.
Student-Council : Various co-curricular activities and competitions must be organised which encourage preservice teachers to appreciate the environment and be dedicated towards the care for mother earth.
Save Energy: The Student Council if the College must ensure that energy is used judiciously and is conserved. All students must adhere to the Energy Policy Document of the Institution. They must ensure that students at all times maintain cleanliness and hygiene in the Institution
Society Connect: The preservice teachers must conduct activities which help spread the message of sustainable development to the members of the community through clean up drives, street plays, rallies, tree plantation, etc.
Collaborations: The College must collaborate with stakeholders to spread the message of environment sustainability.
Green Corner: The College must maintain a green corner with the collaborative efforts of staff and student-teachers.
Waste Management
Waste Management as an important element of the ESGP. RCoEd is committed to systematic waste management approach. The aims is to handle waste effectively starting from waste reduction, its segregation and waste disposal.
The objectives of Waste Management includes-
To reduce waste and promotes its reuse
To avoid generating waste that reaches the landfills
To implement segregation of waste in into wet waste and dry waste
To adopt eco-friendly management of the e-waste.
To make resources available for segregation of waste
To creating awareness about waste management amongst students and internship schools
The purpose of the ESGP is to make the Institution adopt practices which are in harmony to the growth and development of the community and strengthens care for environment. Through its successful implementation the preservice teachers will imbibe this practices in their life. As members of the society they will disseminate the knowledge in schools and the community. Thus, the policy visions to reach out to the society